July 2, 2008

Out and About

Went shopping!

Here's my shopping outfit:

It's really blurry and I'm walking away...I was fed up with picture taking haha

Here's shirt detail:

I got it at UO on sale and I love it. It reminds me of a cow boy boot(:

But anyways this is what I got:

Muy bonita, I got my Mom to pay for it by telling her I'll wear it for senior pictures(: And it looks really good on(: Oh how messy my room is!

I've wanted a button down shirt dress forever, and today my dream finally came true(: Here's some change of scene, MY TOILET!

Annd finally a cute little sun dress. Well the bathroom is the only place to get a proper picture around here!

After I did all of this tiring shopping, I had to go to the house my Dad is flipping and do lawn work. Fun.

I got home, all sweaty and disgusting, took these pictures and talked to a woman from International Acadamy of Design and Merchandising. This whole college thing is so surreal, I don't even feel remotely close to attending in the next year. I've been so collegey lately though. I started the application process at FIT and LIM. Those are the two I truely wish to go to.

Tomorrow I am hopefully going to take my outfit pictures for TVFU. I'll post them then.

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